CoolSculpting for Thigh Fat Reduction

fat reduction fat loss spot fat reduction coolsculpting inner thigh fat

As we age, our bodies are no longer as elastic as they might've been in the past. You might have noticed the development of cellulite as well as skin that just doesn't bounce back like it once may have. Women tend to develop issues with their thighs as hormones get less predictable.

If you are struggling with inner thigh fat or have outer thigh fat that you'd like to see disappear, CoolSculpting may be the right option for you. Continue reading to learn more about fat reduction through CoolSculpting.

What Is CoolSculpting?

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive, non-surgical option for reducing fat in a targeted area. The targeted areas include places where it's nearly impossible to get rid of stubborn, subcutaneous fat including:

It doesn't require any anesthesia whatsoever, so you can get back to your normal activities relatively soon after the procedure.

The procedure was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2012 as a method of spot fat reduction. It works by contouring the troubled areas to remove the unwanted fat cells in the body.

Eating right and exercising regularly only does so much by way of toning the body. It won't target specific areas of the body. Even after months or years of being healthy, you may still notice that you have extra fat on your arms, stomach, and/or thighs.

Woman-specific hormones, like Estrogen, cause the accumulation of fat in the thighs, buttocks, and pelvis to create a fat reserve for breastfeeding if a woman decides to have children and nurse them. This is a notorious issue among women.

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

It may seem like magic, but it's not. It's science! The procedure works through a process known as cryolipolysis or fat-freezing. It uses cold temperatures to freeze fat cells to destroy them. Once the cells are frozen, they die off. The body naturally expels dead cells. Once they are gone, they are no longer able to grow back.

Sessions usually take about 35 minutes, and you only need one session per targeted area. If after a few months, you would like to see more of a result, you may go back from further treatment. CoolSculpting can be done by any plastic surgeon, physician, or healthcare provider who has had CoolSculpting training.

CoolSculpting for Thighs

There are two CoolSculpting applicators used in fat reduction. For the thighs, you can have both inner and outer thighs sculpted.

The skin on the inner thigh is softer and easier to pinch together. For inner thigh fat reduction, the applicator for this type of CoolSculpting has a vacuum cup along with larger cooling plates to target the fat cells.

Outer thigh skin, sometimes known as saddlebags, is not easily pinchable. For outer thigh fat reduction, the applicator has a long cooling plate that helps to break down the fat cells in the dreaded outer thigh bulge.

Ideal CoolSculpting Candidate

The ideal candidate for CoolSculpting is going to be healthy, fit individuals looking to sculpt their bodies once they are happy with their overall health regimen. Because of this, CoolSculpting is recommended for those who are close to their ideal body weight. It is a method of fat loss rather than weight loss.

It is not recommended for very overweight or obese people because as you lose weight, your body will continue changing. This means that CoolSculpting may not actually make a difference in your final results.

If you are healthy and fit, but you are still struggling with stubborn body fat that just won't go away, CoolSculpting may be the best option.

What to Expect From CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting isn't like your average fat removal procedure. Because of this, there is no downtime and very little, if any, pain and discomfort. The recovery period is non-existent.

After the procedure, you may notice some redness and soreness. This is normal! You will find that it is worth having a reduction of fat in those stubborn areas.

In as little as one CoolSculpting session, you may see a reduction in the fat of 20 to 80%. However, CoolSculpting fat loss isn't instantaneous. While some people may see results within the first few weeks, two to three months is more typical.

As with any dead cells within the body, you will notice that your CoolSculpting results continue over time as the dead fat cells continue to be flushed from the body.

What Does It Cost?

Each thigh will cost approximately $750. For both legs, you will be looking at a bill of $1,500. While this may seem like a lot of money, you will find that it is well worth not having this stubborn fat return to these areas once you've had the procedure.

Why Choose CoolSculpting?

When it comes to figuring out what type of procedure you'd like to have done, you need to determine which one will benefit you the most.

With surgical intervention, fat removal is painful. It can take months to see the final product due to incisions, sutures, and swelling. You will have to take time off work, and you will have to take it easy for a while.

CoolSculpting may take a little time to get to the final result, but you don't have to worry about surgeries, long-term pain, and follow-up appointments to make sure you are healing properly. You won't have to deal with a risk of infection via incision and sutures.

Fat Reduction With CoolSculpting

While exercise and a healthy diet will help you to slim your body, you will notice that fat reduction doesn't just automatically happen in areas where the fat is stubborn and won't go away. With CoolSculpting, you will find that you can have thin, contoured thighs.

For more information, contact Park Slope Laser Aesthetic Center. We'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have about CoolSculpting and other cosmetic procedures that you may be interested in.

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